Submission Instructions:

Please read and follow the instructions carefully before you submit your abstract..

  • The total duration of the free paper ”including title and credits” must not exceed 6 minutes.
  • All Financial interests of the authors must be disclosed at the beginning.
  • The Deadline for Submission will be on 15 December 2023
  • Accepted papers will be presented as oral presentations or E-posters
  • Valuable prize for the best free paper(s)

Note: To submit in the Free Paper Competition, you have to make sure the EOS membership fees are fully paid.

  • The total duration of the video ”including title and credits” must not exceed 6 minutes
  • No more than 2 videos will be accepted from any author
  • Recommended Resolution 1920*1080 Pixel
  • All Financial interests of the authors must be disclosed at the beginning of the video
  • Subtitles and Narration are a must
  • The Deadline for Submission will be on 15 December 2023
  • Valuable prizes for the best 3 videos

Note: To submit in the video Competition, you have to make sure the EOS membership fees are fully paid.

  • Please submit an abstract describing the topic and the contents of your presentation in less than 150 words. Presentations can be case presentations, case series, video, novel research or surgical technique.
  • The total duration of the abstract ”including title and credits” must not exceed 6 minutes
  • The age of the presenter should be younger than 35 years old on the conference day.
  • The presenter of all accepted presentations for the Young Ophthalmologists Competition will have free registration for the conference.
  • The Deadline for Submission will be on 15 December 2023
  • Valuable prizes for the best 3 young ophthalmologists


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