Short Biography
  • 1996: scientific baccalaureate, Gustave Flaubert, a French school in Tunis. (Academy of
    Paris), general grade: good
  • 1997-2003: Faculty of Medicine, University of Tunis
  • November 2003 – October 2005: Internal ship (rotating house officer) in; general surgery,
    cardiology, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, neurology, and ENT
  • November 2005-August 2006: practical training at Clinique Ophtalmologique de Tunis
  • 16th Mai 2006: National diploma in Medicine with a high appraisal from the jury after
    discussing the thesis: Retinal Vasculitis. Epidemiological, Clinical and etiological study (179
  • October 2006-September 2008: 1st and 2nd year of residency in Ophthalmology. Ophthalmic
    the department University of Liege, BELGIUM (Prof J M RAKIC department)